jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2019

European Day of Languages.

On September 26th all schools around Europe celebrate the European Day of Languages with different activities.
This year is a bit special as we also celebrate the International Year of Indigenous Languages all over the World. 
As they say in the official page of the event, "Languages play an important role in the daily lives of people not only as a tool for communication, education, social integration and development, but also as a repository for each person's unique identity, cultural history, traditions and memory"

The purpose of the initiative is to raise awareness of the critical risks these languages face and their value as vehicles of culture, knowledge systems and ways of life, most of these languages are endangered or becoming extinct. 

UNESCO provides a classification system to show just how 'in trouble' the language is:
  • Vulnerable - most children speak the language, but it may be restricted to certain domains (e.g., home)
  • Definitely endangered - children no longer learn the language as a 'mother tongue' in the home
  • Severely endangered - language is spoken by grandparents and older generations; while the parent generation may understand it, they do not speak it to children or among themselves
  • Critically endangered - the youngest speakers are grandparents and older, and they speak the language partially and infrequently
  • Extinct - there are no speakers left

There are endangered languages all over the world in developed and developing countries, but the situation is worse in indigenous communities as the community itself is in danger. So
ensuring their protection, which in many cases requires improving the living conditions of indigenous peoples, and strengthening their respective organizations is essential and knowing about them is the first step. Below you have some examples.


* Aranés, less than 3.000 speakers ( Vall de Arán, Pirineos) 
* Asturleonés  150.000 ( Asturias , Zamora, León , Salamanca) 


 * Capadocian, 300 speakers ( Greece) 
Saami con 400 speakers ( Sweden)
Manx con 1700 speakers ( Isle of Man,UK)  

* Zacatepeco 140 speakers,( Mexico)
* Kenati  950 speakers ( Papua Nueva Guinea)
* Siux 32.000 speakers ( North America)  

Fortunately there are people who try to keep them alive and safe for future generations. 


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