In this strange and uncertain year we are living we haven't been able to celebrate Halloween properly, so thinking about possible ways to learn something related to it, I guessed we could do some ghostly and witchy idioms. So if you are ready, off we go......
TO GHOST SOMEONE: to ignore someone's messages or calls trying to avoid that person
The action is called "ghostling"
ex: He has been ghosted by his girlfriend, he never answers her calls
TO HAVE THE GHOST OF A CHANCE: to have the slightest possibility of something.
ex: he didn't have the ghost of a chance to win the race, he had got injured
TO GIVE UP THE GHOST "Tirar la toalla" : when you stop trying because you know it is useless and you won't succeed.
ex: After several attempts for a vaccine, he gave up the ghost.
ex: she got lots of money for the book she published, but her ghost writer was discovered
TO WORK THE GRAVEYARD SHIFT " hacer turno de noche" : to work from 12:00 till 8:00 at night
ex: She was waiting for her husband to return from working his graveyard shift.
DIGGING YOUR OWN GRAVE: When someone does something even when they know it will cause them problems.
ex: when she rejected the job she knew she was digging her own grave.
Ex: Her feet were as cold as a witch's caress
A WITCH'S BREW or BROTH: " mezcla explosiva" a fearsome mixture
Ex: drugs and alcohol are witches' brew
Ex: There was a witch hunt for comunists in USA
ex: Ariadna Grande has put a spell on you
TO SPILL YOUR GUTS " desahogarse, soltarlo todo, escupirlo todo" when you are holding a secret and people want you to tell it.
ex: Her mum wanted to know everything, so she spilt her guts and told her
TO PLAY THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE. " hacer de abogado del diablo" someone who will argue against an idea or suggestion only to get it validated by them.
Ex: she played the devil's advocate when she discussed women's rights
TO BE DEAD ON YOUR FEET. "no poder sostenerse de cansancio" you are so tired that you can even stand up